Spring Show
The songs listed in the Tuesday Plan section are the songs that we have planned for the Spring Show. Please, please, work hard on the songs so that we can put on an excellent show. You can also start to promote it. The theme we are thinking of using is “Harmony from Coast to Coast”.
Tuesday Plan
- “Leaving On A Jet Plan” segue (handed out last week and on website)
- “New York, New York”
- “Let’s Get Away From It All”
- “California Dreaming”
- “Shenandoah”
- “Country Roads”
- “King of the Road”
- “Under The Boardwalk”
Singing Valentines
We still have a need for one more quartet to deliver Singing Valentines. If you are interested in being in one of the SV quartets, meet at 6:00 Tuesday.
Prices are $45 for delivery anytime between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., or $60 within a 20-minute window for delivery. The Valentine will consist of a song, a card and a floral gift. A phone call only option is available for $15. Start selling them.
The website is set up for people to request Singing Valentines. They can also contact Darrel at (319) 451-8855.
Upcoming Events
- Singing Valentines – February 14
- Spring Show – April 5
Prayers for the Zuber family
Please check your email for an update on Jan Zuber’s health.