Update for Jan. 3 – Supplement: Singing Valentines

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching

Singing Valentines sales is not only a great and unique service to our community but is also a major source of the funds needed to run the Harmony Hawks Chorus. It is second only to our spring show as a fundraiser. As such each of you should consider it your responsibility to be part of this effort.

What will your role be?
Will you sing as part of a quartet?
Will you contact friends and family asking them to purchase one?
Will you send email and post on social media as part of the promotional effort?
Will you take and post fliers?

Goal: Each member sells at least one Singing Valentine

A great example of this in Larry Aspleaf who has purchased SV for servers in a restaurant he frequents. SV can go not only to those we love but also to those we just appreciate.

Join a quartet

We need two quartets, and you can help. Since we will only need to learn a few easy songs, you can try out a new part. As always, tenors and baritones are especially needed.


Next Tuesday January 7, anyone who would like to be in Singing Valentines quartet should come to the rehearsal early at 6:00. At that time we will see who is available and we will sing some of the songs. We might even form quartets.
If you are unable to be at this 6 p.m. rehearsal but would like to participate, please email Darrel Herschberger, [email protected] or text him at 319-320-3646, and let him know you want to participate.