September 22, 2024

Consider becoming a chapter officer

A nominating committee is forming, and they’ll be looking for candidates for Board positions. Member at Large is a great position to start your leadership assent. Please let Gary Lindsay or Larry Hlavacek know if you’d consent to be nominated for this or any other board position. Tom Zuber has agreed to head the nominating committee, so please contact him if you’d like to serve on that.

Board will meet Monday

In addition to our regular business the board will discuss the pros and cons of combining chapters with the Old Capitol Chorus. We do not plan to take any action on this issue at this meeting and there is no timeline for making a decision. We will distribute an outline of the points discussed so our members will have a chance to share their own perspectives.

Board members, check your email for materials to prepare for this discussion.

Here is the week’s plan


6:00 p.m. – Fall Convention Combined Chorus – CEDAR RAPIDS

7:00 p.m. – Harmony Hawks Rehearsal

  • Christmas songs
  • Run, Run, Run
  • Swing Down Chariot
  • There’s a Meetin’ Here Tonight 
  • Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • This Little Light of Mine/Do Lord

Fall Convention Combined Chorus Rehearsal Schedule

  • Rehearsals – 6:00-7:00
    • Sept. 24 – CR
    • Oct. 3 – Iowa City
    • Oct. 8 – CR

Upcoming Events

  • Board Meeting – September 23
  • Fall Convention – October 10 – 13. Lawrence, Kansas. At this time we will compete at 10:45 on October 12.
  • Gospel Concert – November 15. Stay tuned for more details