September 30, 2024

Consider becoming a chapter officer

A nominating committee is forming, and they’ll be looking for candidates for Board positions. Member at Large is a great position to start your leadership assent. Please let Gary Lindsay or Larry Hlavacek know if you’d consent to be nominated for this or any other board position. Tom Zuber has agreed to head the nominating committee, so please contact him if you’d like to serve on that.

Board Meeting Report

In addition to the routine business the board discussed a proposal for an I-380 Chapter to be formed to combine the Harmony Hawks and Old Capitol Chorus under one charter. As planned, no decision on this was made during the meeting, but pros and cons were discussed. The next step is for President Gary Lindsay to meet with the OCC President to see what interest OCC has in pursuing the idea, and to see what any next steps might be.

The Board does support the idea of continuing and expanding our collaboration with the OCC in as many ways as we can.

New Sing-Out

We will be singing at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday, December 7. Performance time is 12:30. We will probably meet at 12:00. More details to come later.

Here is the week’s plan

Tuesday 6:30 p.m. – Harmony Hawks Rehearsal

  • Christmas songs
  • Armed Forces Medley
  • Swing Down Chariot
  • There’s a Meetin’ Here Tonight
  • Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • This Little Light of Mine/Do Lord

Thursday – 6:00 p.m. – Fall Convention Combined Chorus – IOWA CITY

Combined Chorus Rehearsal Schedule

  • Oct. 3 – Iowa City 6 to 7 p.m.
  • Oct. 8 – Cedar Rapids 6 to 7 p.m.