July 21, 2024

First a couple of announcements

  • Gospel Concert date has been pushed back to November 15.
  • On rehearsal nights, the doors will unlock for us at 6 p.m. and relock at 6:45. Please plan your arrivals to fit these times. If you are late, call Larry Hlavacek or Gary Lindsay to be let in.
  • We need a quartet or VLQ to sing at St. Paul’s 9 am service on August 18. Gary Lindsay is organizing this, so talk, text or phone him to discuss this opportunity.

Here is the Tuesday plan

  • “Everybody Loves Somebody”
  • “There’s a Meetin’ Here Tonight” (off music)
  • “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (be off music before 8/6)
  • “This Little Light of Mine/Do Lord Medley” (be off music by rehearsal)
  • “Can You Feel The Love Tonight”
  • “Armed Forces Medley”

Fall Convention

Registration is now open for the Fall Convention in Lawrence, Kansas. Seriously consider signing up for the Platoons. You will need to learn 5 songs between the time music is released and the convention. There is an additional cost of about $60 to participate, and you will need to be there on Thursday.

Upcoming Events

  • Honor Flight Sing-out – Sunday, August 25, 2024.  12:00 AND 3:00.
  • Annual Golf Outing – Friday, August 16th at 3:30. Click on this link to sign up:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HX856D7
  • Fall Convention – October 10 – 13. Lawrence, Kansas.
  • Gospel Concert – Put November 15 on your calendar for the Gospel Concert. Stay tuned for more details.